About WhamTech

Over 20 years of data-driven experience

WhamTech, Inc. (WhamTech) is a Texas-based company who strives to develop security-centric distributed virtual data, master data and graph data management, and analytics technology software products. These products leverage the power of INDEXES for a complete understanding of data that needs it, enabling capabilities and driving value. WhamTech develops these products to anticipate, meet and exceed the demands of customers seeking an alternative to the conventional approaches of ETL to data warehouses, federated data access with conventional adapters and enterprise search. WhamTech’s alternative, unconventional approach provides an improved and more seamless way to work with data, by leaving it in sources (usually), and changing the way fundamental and advanced data management are addressed. WhamTech SmartData Fabric® products consist of  both index-based and conventional (no index) federated adapters, and federation servers. The index-based adapters leverage independent, clean indexes that execute both structured and unstructured queries, and seamlessly and automatically integrate master data management (MDM) to provide capabilities normally associated with separate data lake, data warehouse, data mart, graph database and link analysis solutions, including being able to provide results when data sources are unavailable and for archive.

Collectively, these products are called SmartData Fabric® (SDF).

WhamTech’s goal is to provide a better and more seamless way to work with data, by changing the way data is accessed, processed, integrated, analyzed, shared and interoperated.

WhamTech customers are typically OEM/reseller system integrators and platform companies, however, WhamTech also makes direct sales to end-customers. Driven by evolving customer needs, WhamTech uses agile development methods with continuous integration to constantly improve SDF to meet these needs.

One of the exceptional SDF capabilities is Link Indexes™ that keep track of data and entity connections within an individual data source and across multiple data sources to: 1) accelerate joins, 2) execute degrees of separation queries, 3) perform link, social media and network analysis, and 4) discover, merge, combine, validate and present physical, logical and ontological data models, single entity/person views, cause and effect analysis, influence analysis and more. Additional capabilities include indefinite scaling, independent indexing and query processing to allow high performance analytics, and complex event processing using standard driver access and SQL on data stored in almost any data source, including mainframes, cloud(s) and other Big Data sources.

WhamTech has entered into partnerships with system integrators and other companies to install and provide support and training for SDF products. This allows WhamTech to focus on product development and leverage our technologies and the core competencies of a high-performing team that possesses extensive successful business experience with expertise in technology, capital markets and major projects. WhamTech holds a number of  patents and trademarks, and the team continues to innovate to meet customer evolving needs.